1 acre between the chesapeake bay

and atlantic ocean. Build your home sweet home,

or lovely getaway today!



Enjoy the Eastern Shore of Maryland in somerset county in its rural serenity....

45 minutes from the Wild Ponies of Chincoteague Island. 1 hour from the beach and boardwalk of Ocean City. 10 minutes from Crisfield MD, "Blue Crab Capital of the World" and (Just to be practical) Dollar General is 5 minutes away!


Ocean City has Sun & Sand...


Chincoteague & Assateague have the wild Island Ponies...



And Crisfield has the crabs!

This 1 acre lot is perked and ready for a septic system once your ready to build. zoned residential on shared road with two other homes. Recent survey on file at somerset county courthouse. learn                                         more today!                                     $24,900


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